July 2024 Edition

Howdy, Friends!

I am writing to you from a park bench out in front of the State Theater in Portland, Maine, catching a few rays and enjoying the eclectic streetscape before soundcheck…

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Ketch Secor
May 2024 Edition

Howdy, Friends!

Hope all is well out where you are! As I write, the choir of cicadas outside is so deafening I can barely hear my thoughts. Oh wait, I remember them now: school’s out!

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Ketch Secor
April 2024 Edition

Howdy, Friends!

Springtime has finally brought its burst of green (and pink and purple!) to Nashville. For all the years I've called the southland home it has always been spring that feels like our best regional idiosyncrasy.

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Ketch Secor
March 2024 Edition

Well, howdy and greetings from the front lounge of a tour bus rolling up I-35 at 5:26 am. I can’t sleep. This happens sometimes when you get out on the road for the first time in a few months and have to remember how to catch your Zzzs at 72 miles per hour.

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Ketch Secor
February 2024 Edition

Howdy Friend,

Ketch here, writing from my home in rainswept Nashville where, after a surprising snowstorm and a week of rain, folks are beginning to ponder if the promise of spring is around the corner or not.

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Ketch Secor
January 2024 Edition

Howdy, Friends!

Hope all is well out where you are! As I write, the choir of cicadas outside is so deafening I can barely hear my thoughts. Oh wait, I remember them now: school’s out!

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Ketch Secor